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Rituals for the Last Quarter Moon in Sagitarius

Your Weekly Vedic Jyotish Astrology Moon Rituals

Happy Last Quarter Moon Beautiful Souls 🌗


As the moon begins her final descent for this cycle, she sits in the astrological sign of the adventurous and free-spirited Sagittarius.


This is a powerful time for seeking clarity, truth, and meaning in our lives.


This evening take a piece of paper, a pen and a candle and sit beneath the fading light of the moon.  Take this opportunity to delve deep within yourself, practice some gentle pranayama and connect with your inner guidance.  Ask yourself, “What is holding me back?”


Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius Free Moon Astrology Forecast & Rituals

This is a potent time for spiritual growth, self-discovery, and inner transformation. Sagittarius encourages us to broaden our horizons, expand our minds, and embrace new ways of thinking and being.


Write down whatever comes up for you on the paper and then burn it in the candles flame.


Allow the expansive and optimistic Sagittarius energy to guide you as you reflect, release, and let go of anything that no longer serves your highest good.


Scatter the ashes to the earth and then thank the energy of Maa for her assistance in removing whatever you need to clear.

Wishing you the sweetest dreams for a beautiful week, 🌙


💖 Lia Skye xoxo


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