I’ve been taking this tremella mushroom powder daily for just over 6 months and the difference it has made in my skin is unbelievable. It’s quickly became one of my absolute, can’t live with out, supplements!
Tremella is an antioxidant rich edible jelly fungus, also known as the Beauty Mushroom. It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine since around 200 AD as an anti-aging, hydrating tonic and with its anti inflammatory properties is believed to support the immune system.
My skin is naturally dry, especially in winter, but since taking this powder I’ve noticed a huge difference in its hydration and smoothness.

To make it into a warm drink I put half a teaspoon of Superfoods Tremella Powder into my cup with a dash of hot water to create a smooth paste before making my morning beverage as normal. It’s taste is so mild it’s unnoticeable.
You could also add it into your smoothie or a protein shake if you prefer.
I love to have mine as part of my morning ritual, it not only ensures I don’t forget, it also acts as a gift of compassion to myself which makes drinking it that little bit more enjoyable!

I purchased my powder from The Wholesome Market, an online co-op style store that sells a range of vegan health foods at more affordable prices.
They are currently offering free shipppng and a bag of activated nuts with all orders over $80. Just use the code NUTS4NUTS at checkout to take advantage!

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Bonne journée!
💕Lia xoxo
“Lost is a state of mind, I prefer to think of it as exploring” - Lia Skye
*Please note this is not a sponsored post, I review when I find something I love. However if you purchase anything I review using links provided I may receive a small commission that helps support my writing and me keep this blog running.