The Magic of Growing Up
Its finally happened.
I’m becoming wise.
The other week I noticed a few lighter hairs had started to come in around my face. Almost as though they want to provide a halo.
According to my hairdresser they’re natural highlights.
But I know the truth
They’re wisdom hairs
Only gifted to us once we start to step into our wise woman.
Some people receive them early.
For other like myself, it’s a long wait…
So I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail and showed them off to everyone.
Like a child who has lost their first tooth…
“Look at me growing up!”
I think there is something magical about them.
The way they sparkle and shimmer in the light.
And to me, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who wears them with pride.
Who owns her feminine wisdom and confidently shares that with society.
We need to change the narrative around growing older. Embracing the changes that signify we are transitioning into our power years.
This begins with changing our own narrative. With rewriting our story.
So we can fully step into our new role of the Wise Woman.
So I’ll be celebrating my wisdom hairs. Loving my beautiful body as it becomes wiser, and I hope you’ll start to rethink them as well.
I hope you have a beautiful week 🌻
As always with love + gratitude,
Lia Skye xoxo
PS: Want to learn how to rewrite YOUR story? Click here to learn more about our very special retreat. Reclaiming the Wise Woman ~ An Ancient Path to Empowerment through Menopause. A very special early bird price PLUS bonus is available for the next few days xo
PPS: (or is it PSS?) This event is going to be in person but if you're not in Brisbane and are screaming "Nooooo I want to attend" at your screen, then reply to this email and I'll add you to the wait list for the online workshop coming in 2025 ✨
