Thanks Scorpio for the Sass..
Last week was intense for me. I was feeling a WHOLE lot of emotions.
There were tears, anger, irrational fear and anxiety as well as a not so healthy dose of self-depreciation and some extremely negative self-talk wanting to show itself.
I was feeling sassy, a little bit irritated and definitely not someone you wanted to be around.
We were climbing and my usual fear and anxiety was heightened. I felt weak and didn’t want to do anything, let alone climb a stupid rock.
While I was up there my inner critic was trying its best to bring up all my past negative thoughts. A few years ago, I would have allowed these feeling to overwhelm me and thought I had to push through anyway.
To just “get myself together” and ignore them.
But my inner knowing stepped up and said “STOP, you don’t have to do this now. If you’re not enjoying it, what do you want to do”?
So I came down, cried, and let out the emotions that we normally bottle up.
I released the energy but there was still a lot left inside me waiting to erupt.
So I sat down by the wildflowers and thought about what I wanted.
I knew I needed to work through the energy within me so I decided to take some time for myself.
I practiced Breath of Fire, I burnt through the negativity. I cleansed my energy.
I journaled, meditated and even went and climbed a few rocks.
I contemplated the negative thoughts that had come up, what were genuine concerns and how could I address them.
I wrote down 5 things I absolutely loved about myself and my life.
I gifted myself the space I needed.
Then I joined my partner and we swam in the river, the water cool and cleansing, refreshing my body both on the physical and subtle.
This is what it looks like to walk the Path of the Sacred Feminine
I didn’t doubt or dismiss my emotions. I acknowledged everything that had come up and gave myself space to process.
I listened to what I needed to make myself feel safe, loved and nourished and then I prioritised fulfilling those needs so that I had the capacity to hold space for those I love.
I’d love to know if you felt the Scorpio energy last week as well. Hit reply and share with me if you felt the emotions or not, and if you did, how did you process them and look after yourself?
I hope you have a beautiful week 🌻
As always with love + gratitude,
Lia Skye xoxo
PS I’m running my last weekend Women’s Circle training retreat in Brisbane in November. If you would like to connect with me in person for the training and receive some extra special bonuses. Click here to join the wait list and be notified when spaces go on sale xoxo
