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New Moon in Capricorn

Your Weekly Vedic Jyotish Astrology Moon Forecast

Happy New Moon Beautiful Souls 🌑


I adore the energy of the new moon, as we start the cycle anew, setting new intentions, sowing seeds and enjoying the fresh start that it brings. 🌱


This month the new moon sits in the astrological sign of Capricorn.  This diligent earth sign reminds us to prioritise our ambitions and manifest our dreams into reality.  


Capricorn energy urges us to embrace discipline, focus, and perseverance. It's not always easy, but through dedication and hard work, we can achieve what we set out to.


Take a step back, reflect on your journey so far, and focus on what steps you can take to climb closer to your aspirations. It's time to infuse determination and strategy into your path! ✨


Taking Practical Steps: New Moon in Capricorn Free Moon Astrology Forecast

As the first light of the new moon graces the sky, sit below her with your journal and set intentions that align with long-term success, wisdom, and abundance.

Use the energy of this moment to plan the practical steps you need to turn your desires into goals.  As I always say, without the mundane, there can be no magic!

Dream big, envision your success, and set tangible goals. 

May this new moon portal inspire you to embrace the power of intention-setting, to embrace the call of your heart, and to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. 🙏🌑💖 

🌙Sweet dreams

Lia Skye xoxo


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